Monday, July 29, 2013

Road Trip to Bukovina

When I first announced that I would spend the summer in Romania, my history professor suggested that I visit the painted monasteries in Bukovina.  I mentioned the place to Buttercup in an email, and on Saturday my host parents took Buttercup, JJ and I on a journey to see the Orthodox monasteries.
What I hadn’t known prior to this weekend is that the Bukovina region is on the border of Ukraine; the drive was about 12 hours, round-trip.  The car ride was intense, to say the least, (Romanian mountain roads are narrow and none too smooth) and we returned to Udvarhely thoroughly exhausted.  However, the artistry of the monasteries made the lengthy trip completely worthwhile.  We visited five monasteries, each with a unique aura.  I took plenty of photos (when it was permitted, of course) to commemorate the experience.
The last monastery we visited was quite strict with its dress code...
JJ had to wear this "kilt" over his shorts
The Last Judgement, Byzantine style

Carpets for sale
Ukrainian eggs
Whimsical bread


  1. At Avant in Anoka enjoying your photos. Can Buttercup be any cuter! I love the painted artwork.

    1. I'm glad you enjoy the pictures! And yes, Buttercup is adorable =)

  2. Wow, so jealous! I knew you wouldn't regret it if you took the time, despite the drive.

    1. It was definitely a highlight to my trip; thanks for the recommendation! My host parents also gave me a book with detailed photographs of the monasteries, which I will try and bring when I visit SMU. The artwork is phenomenal.
